10 South African foods high in sodium
There are many South African foods you might not have taken into consideration as high sodium diet. Many of the food we buy at the grocery are prepared with…
There are many South African foods you might not have taken into consideration as high sodium diet. Many of the food we buy at the grocery are prepared with…
Image source;istockphoto How to get a Nursing Job in Maryland ( U.S.) From Nigeria Maryland is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, bordered by Virginia…
Image source: istockphoto Ulceration colitis is an inflammation and wounds in your digestive tract. It damages the inner lining of the colon and rectum. It can be very annoying and…
Is red meat good or bad for heart health Red meat may be your greatest enemy if you are prone to heart-related diseases, because of the high saturated fat content…
Constipation occurs when you're facing difficulties in passing out stool through the large bowel. Though, stool may appear hard and dry. The stool move very slowly and cannot pass out…
istockphoto Celiac disease is a disease that destroys your smell intestine when you eat gluten. It interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food (1). Your body react abnormally when…
istockphoto Crohn's disease is a dangerous disease that cause swelling or inflammation in the digestive tract. Crohn's disease can affect both small and large intestine as well as any part…
Image source: istockphoto Gut Health is seem as appropriate amount of microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungal that live in the digestive tract of human body. These organisms are known…
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that kills the regulatory immune system called CD4 cells which defend, and fight against pathogens. Successful invasion of this virus into the…
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that extremely destroys the immune system, known as CD4 cells, making it unable to fight against pathogens. Having unprotected sex, unscreened blood transfusion,…