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10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Drinking Water

Image source: istockphoto

Water is good, human body requires adequate amount of water to function effectively.

It is often recommended to be taken at least 6 – 8 glasses of water on daily basis.

Though, during winter you may not need up to 8 glasses of water but keeping hydrated is an important of water.

However, there is no generally approved amount of water that must be taken daily.

Importantly, the brain, blood and bone needs enough water each day to function optimally.

Dehydration is believed to slow their functions even contribute to health disorder.

Surprinsely, in human body water loss through urination, sweating, breathing, feces and must be balanced with intake of water  to minimize health problem as well as improving overall well-being.

Furthermore, many health care practitioners chosen taking water on an empty stomach to boost their body metabolism, and other benefits of water.

It is highly recommended for its nutritional and medicine qualities, but what are the benefits of drinking water? Let’s find out.

10 Health Benefits Of Drinking Water

1. Protect Against Osteoporosis

Staying hydrated enable the body function effectively and reduce bone diseases including osteoporosis,bone fracture and rickets. It is necessary you take enough quantities of water daily, this is said to facilitate growth of enzymes that improve bone density as well as protect against hip fracture. Hence, adapting adequate intake of water daily keeps osteoporosis related disease at bay.

2. Regulate Body Temperature

Drinking of water is very crucial in human body, as it foster metabolic rate and balance body temperature. It is important to drink up to 7 – 8 glasses of water daily to maintain your body temperature. However, during summer period, the body loss water most via sweating, and this increase body temperature, drinking enough water helps balance fluid level and enhance energy levels.

3. Promote Metabolism

It is involved in metabolic process, virtually all biochemical reactions requires water to produce a result. Movement of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen to the targeted organs requires water to be effective. It is needed for removal of waste products and harmful substance. In addition, to boost your metabolic rate water is needed.

4. Relieves pains

It  plays a significant role, making it a habit can fasten relieves of pains such as migraine, aches, back pains. Drinking plenty of water increases your body’s water content, making it work optimally as dehydration can cause headache, and migraines in some people. Hence, if you are frequently suffering from pains, headache, opt for water therapy.

5. For Heart Health

Heart problem is one of the life- threatening disease worldwide, regardless of the gender. Some evidence suggests that increased water intake coupled with regular exercise reduce chances of developing heart-related disorder. So, in human body, it can be said to have overall functions, maintaining the normal blood viscosity, plasma and fibrinogen, supply. Stay hydrated and remain healthy.

6. Prevent Kidney Stone

Persistent dehydration can trigger accumulation of minerals, salt and waste material in the urinary system forming crystal, this leads to kidney stone . Adequate intake of water dilute the concentration of these minerals, waste material, which enhance effective urination to get then out of the body. However, kidney stone is painful, to avoid it’s development, take water as much as you can regularly.

7. Water Remove Waste material

As mentioned previously, formation of crystal in the urinary system increase chance of various disease, but can be removed out of the body through urine with the help of water. This waste material, salt and minerals are harmful, water do not only dilute them but get them excreted out of the body. Therefore, water intake is good and should be taken adequately as waste products are removed making you healthier.

8. Good For Nursing Mother

During this period mothers are advised by the health practitioners to eat adequately, this will help the mother and the newborn to be healthy. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day is recommended to reduce dehydration and constipation.

9. Maintains The Skin

Water is generally good for healthy living, consuming plenty of water can help sustain skin’s functions and treat skin disorder. Adequate water consumption keeps you hydrated, this way helps provide moisture to your skin, which can scrap out progress of aging such wrinkles, fine lines, and sagged skin. However, people takes glass of water before breakfast to maintain hydration.

10. Improve Digestion

Water plays an important role in digestion of foods and utilization. Consuming a slew of water helps speed up all system of the body. Constipation and diarrhoea are cases of indigestion, regular water intake helps curb this, and influences irregular bowel movement positively. Moreover, drinking 7- 8 glasses of water per day, and consuming foods with high water content will help maintain your digestive system.



Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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