Potassium is a mineral that play a key role in maintaining normal fluid, electrolyte balance, nerves impulse transmission as well as muscle contraction in the human body.
Potassium is commonly found in the liver, red blood cells, muscle and bone. It is required in maintaining cell’s integrity. And it’s the most abundant mineral in the body.
Most importantly, consuming adequate quantity of potassium is said to be beneficial for treating and prevention of many life threatening diseases. These include high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes and many others.
Moreover, it is the primary cation inside the cells, helping in several metabolic reactions, but its deficiency alters these functions. Hence, lack of this mineral in the blood leads to muscular weakness, paralysis, confusion, high blood pressure, heartbeat, headache and anemia.
Health benefits includes maintenance of blood pressure, maintenance of bone and Muscle, reduction of stress and anxiety, improvement of immune system, promotion of water balance, helping promote metabolism, improve nerves system, regulate electrolyte balance, control blood sugar levels, and helping reduce stroke.
Citrus fruit
Sweet potatoes
1. Maintains Bone & Muscle
Avocado, tomatoes, fresh leaves vegetables are good source of potassium, which when consumed increase your potassium plasma level, as well as presenting an alkaline environment. This helps negate acidosis effect raised by the popular western diet. Meat and processed cereal are acidic food which can facilitate nitrogen excretion, loss in bone mineral density and muscular wasting. A diet with a plethora of potassium is attributed to preservation of muscle Mass and bone maintenance.
2. Normalize Blood Pressure
In modern science, it is regarded as an essential mineral due to it significant in the control of blood pressure. It is believed that low intake increase blood pressure, whereas a slew of potassium consumed is seem to prevent and correct hypertension. Use of potassium- rich diet counteract with sodium in order to keep the blood pressure at checked.
3. Reduce Stress & Anxiety
It is also powerful at relieving stress and anxiety in the body. A serving of potassium rich foods influences hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which are considered as stress hormones. Hence, incorporating it into your diet plan assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
4. Maintains Water Balance
To ensure effective functioning of the body water balance is required. Potassium is known for maintaining fluid balance, and cell integrity. Additionally, keeping normal fluid balance enhances the cells organ and the system to function efficiently.
5. Improve The Nervous System
The mineral plays an important role in the promotion of nerves impulse that carries information from one body part to another. With proper nerves reflexes, potassium participate in muscular contraction to speed up bodily functions. However, low blood potassium level is linked to body’s inability to produce nerve impulse. Taking adequate amount of it helps keep your nerves active.
6. Promote Metabolism
It an essential mineral that participate in many biochemical reactions in our body. It involved in acids- base balance and the regulation of pH levels. Moreover, it plays a vital role in the liver, kidney even muscle by keeping their cells optimized. Additionally, appropriate amount of potassium in the liver may aid breaking down of carbohydrate.
7. Regulate Electrolyte Balance
Deficiency of electrolyte, especially potassium and sodium are major reason behind fluid imbalance causing the cells to either shrink or swell up. Eating adequate amount is extremely necessary for fluid balance.
8. Control Blood Sugar Levels
Decrease in the blood potassium levels might impact negatively in your blood sugar levels, particularly diabetic patients. Intake of minerals like potassium chloride, and sodium can help maintain your blood sugar levels.
9. Reduce Stroke
Muscle aches and muscle cramping have been associated with low serum level of potassium. Studies demonstrated that intake of potassium-rich diet helps enhance muscle strength.
Potassium is an electrolyte mineral that contributes immensely in the fluid balance and acids-base balance. Adult recommended daily allowance is 4700mg and adolescent 3300- 3800mg. It is source from meat, legumes, vegetables, fruit and grains. Deficiency of potassium is often lead to paralysis, confusion and high blood pressure to mention but a few.