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Pine Essential oil (Pinus Sylvestris) is produced from the Needles of the Pine tree via steam distillation, and believed to have therapeutic agent.
This Christmas tree is originated in European countries and subsequently spread to other part of the world such as American and Australia etc.
However, it was used by the Hippocrates, owing to it’s potent for the treatment of various health conditions like respiratory disease, skin disorder. Today, it is among the leading essential oil used as aromatherapy in treatment.
This great potent of pine essential oil is associated to it’s antioxidant, antiviral an antimicrobial properties. Antioxidant properties helps neutralize oxidative stress, a risk factor of numerous disease. It stimulate the body, thus improve mental and physical fitness
Presently, it is extensively used to combat different kind of disease, a skin purifier, and promote healthy life style. Pine essential oil can be mixed with other essential oil such as lavender oil, Rosemary oil etc.
Here include the Health benefits of pine essential oil; Reduce pains, relieves stress, treat respiratory disease. Maintains the eyes, reduce body odor, and good for hair.
8 Impressive Health Benefits Of Pine Essential Oil
1. Treat respiratory disease
Poor breathing means, there is blocks or inflammation within the airways and lungs. Pine essential oil is very potent at treating respiratory disease, as it helps clear up sinus congestion and mucus even promote effective breathing. Inhaling pine essential oil has proven to be more effective than rubbing it on the body.
2. Reduce pain
Joint pain, swelling, redness, arthritis and discomfort prevention and treatment are major functions of pine essential oil, this is because of it’s potent properties. It is an anti inflammatory agent, ensure removal of inflammation and all signs of pain. It is very advantageous as it can be use as home remedy for many health problems.
3. Relieves stress
Stress invites tiredness, and when you are tired most functions of the body appears to be low and weak. Weakness, sluggishness, mental impairment, reduced physical performance and lack of concentration are products of stress. Applying pine essential oil may helps re-energized the body, restore mental state and enhance concentration by facilitating formation of neurotransmitter. Because of it anti inflammatory properties, helps slow release of the stress hormone cortisol.
4. Skin care
Skin beautifies humans, it is the outward appearance of everyone and need proper treatment. Psoriasis, burns, acne and eczema are skin disorder symptoms. Pine essential oil can help prevent skin disorder from surfacing since it’s possess antiviral, anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Bacteria infection, inflammation are key causes of skin disorder. Also the antioxidant support skin regeneration and moisturizerisation of the skin.
5. Help treat wound
Pine essential oil when applied on wound, cut and bruises helps fasten the healing process. It contains antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which helps facilitate regeneration of tissues, healing process, and fight off toxins. It also assist by killing and stopping germs and microbes, from spreading as well as causing further deterioration, since it possess antiseptic properties, as well as minimize scar formation.
6. Maintains Eye Health
Eye is so delicate that required regular care in order to prevent eye defect. Pine essential oil is filled with natural compounds, antioxidant which help promote good vision and maintain healthy eye. By minimizing, muscular degeneration, intraocular pressure and increasing optic nerve viability. You get all these benefits by using pine essential oil regularly, and ensure you consult a doctor for expert advise.
7. Reduce body odor
There is nothing annoying as being in a room with one who has body odor, especially when the room’s temperature is high. Science has revealed that body odor could be cause by bacteria. Pine essential oil work by decreasing the action of bacteria and their replication. Aside, inhibiting bacteria effect on the body, it possess natural refreshing scent. This simply tell why most companies use it in production.
8. Good for Hair Care
Regular application of pine essential oil helps strength the scalp and moisturizer the hair. It may help ward off dandruff even stimulate sebum production.
Pine essential oil play a pivotal role in the treatment of various disease. People often inhale it as well applied topically so as to obtain it health benefits. It is always best to seek physician’s advise before using this oil.