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Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine, a water – soluble vitamin our body use for energy metabolism.
Vitamin B1 act as a coenzyme, and ensure conversion of carbohydrate to glucose.
It is called vitamin B1, because it happens to be the first vitamin scientists discovered among the eight B- complex vitamins. It is not just a vitamin, it health benefits is so amazing.
Interestingly, it plays an important role in muscles, nerves as thiamine helps produce adenosine triphosphate (AT P) which involved in the energy generation in the cells.
Moreover, you cannot talk of improving nervous system, immune boosting, maintaining healthy eyesight, proper functions of the heart, and brain without mentioning vitamins B1 or thiamine.
What Is The Amount Do We Need?
According to, recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin B1, adult need 1. 2 mg for males while females required 1.1mg to stay healthy. There is an adjustment for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and they may eat up to 1.4mg every day.
Deficiency Of Vitamin B1 In The Body
Lack of vitamin B1 may lead to weight loss, memory, sleepiness, enlarged heart, constipation, tenderness and beriberi- occurs if there is deficiency for a long period of time. It deficiency is thought to be very rare in a healthy adult.
Thiamine health benefits include energy metabolism, treat beriberi, protect the nerves, maintains, maintains mood, aid digestion, boost immunity, and enhancement of memory.
Source Of Vitamin B1
Dried beans
Whole wheat
Whole grains breads
8. Health Benefits Of Vitamin B1
1. Energy Metabolism
Thiamine plays a pivotal role in energy metabolism, as a components of coenzyme, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) which contributes to energy generation. Incorporating diet rich in thiamine, enable your body convert carbohydrate into sugar, the primary energy source in our body. This way energy levels is accelerated. By generation of energy, bodily functions is enhanced to perform effectively.
2. Treat Beriberi
Lack of thiamine in the body leads to beriberi, a condition that characterized with impairment of the heart and nerves. You prevent this beriberi by consuming actual amount of thiamine recommended which is 1.2 mg/day for men and 1.1mg/day for women.
3. Protect The Nerves
Apart from generation of energy, thiamine play a protective role in nerves cells, as they depends heavily on the thiamine for maintenance. Thiamine encourage growth of myelin sheath around the nerves. Consequently, deficiency of thiamine may result to nerves damage.
4. Maintains The Mood
Vitamin B1 is usually referred as anti-stress vitamin, probably because it has capacity to reduce stress and depression- symptoms of bad mood. In the absence of energy generation, bad mood set in. Enough consumption of vitamin B1 may help relieves depression and anxiety. Use of vitamin B1 is noted for influencing the brain positively so as to cure depression and anxiety.
5. Stimulate Digestion
In the stomach, thiamine is said to contributes in the release of hydrochloric acids – very useful in proper digestion of foods. Vitamin B1 is said to participate in partial breaking down of food in the stomach before moving into small intestine.
6. Reduce Brain Disorder
Deficiency of thiamine is attributed to Wernicke Korsakoff’s syndrome, a neurological disorder. According to expert that adequate intake of thiamine can effectively decrease risk of cognitive problem.
7. Enhance Memory
Vitamin B1 is superb since it assist in the improvement of memory. This is why it is often referred as morale vitamin for its excellent role on the nervous system and general well-being of the body.
8. Boost Immunity
Thiamine also contributes to the improvement of immune system. The cells to the system depends heavily on thiamine for maintenance and protection. It also participate in different metabolic process which ensure overall well-being of the body. It strengthen the body against harmful infectious disease.
Consumption of foods with high content of thiamine is very helpful in terms of energy metabolism. Deficiency of thiamine is linked to many health challenges. Vitamin B1 is found in fruit, vegetable and whole grains.