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What Are The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Essential Oil


It would interest you to know more about cannabis oil.

Cannabis oil is an essential oil use traditionally to treat numerous kind of disease, such as cancer, migraines, asthma, inflammation, though it can as well be used in production of perfume, kindles and soap.

Cannabis oil is produced  from cannabis plants. This greenish, sticky and volatile colored plant, is originated  from Central Asia , China and India, it is commonly cultivated and use for herbal medicine.

Cannabis oil is naturally packed  with bioactive compounds  and medicinal benefits.

Suprissingly, cannabis is one of those ancient natural remedies in treatment of various  health problems .

However, both the leaves, flowers, seed and the oil are beneficial to human.

Cannabis essential oil health benefits include: Good for the heart, acting as Anti- cancer, Good for the eye, Treat asthma, prevent insomnia, Relieve anxiety, Good for skin, and Parkinson’s disease.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Essential Oil

1. Can Prevent Cancer

It is no longer news that cancer has claim many life’s in different part of the world. Many are still passing through this preventable disease.
Some studies carried on cannabis oil suggested that cannabinoid found in cannabis plants can effectively kill cancerous cells, and inhibit formation of tumor, which in turn prevent it from escalating to other parts of the body.
Some expert suggested application  of cannabis essential oil along with chemotherapy medicine.

2. Good For The Eyesight

Cannabis essential oil has been found to play a vital  role to minimize cataract, Glaucoma, muscular degeneration, factors that cause poor sight. When glaucoma occurs, it cause a buildup of fluid, creating tool much pressure on the optic nerves and retinal. Cannabis essential oil gained popularity as it helps minimize the effect of intraocular pressure, just use it an have a healthy eyes.

3. Good For Skin and Hair

Applying cannabis essential oil externally could helpful in treatment of eczema, acne, psoriasis, dark spot. It also reduce ultraviolet effect and enhance smoothness of your skin. Cannabis essential oil can also stimulate hair growth and provide you with a healthy living.

4. Helps Treat Asthma

Asthma is a situation in which your airways narrow and inflammed and form extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and cause shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Cannabis essential oil is also known for it anti inflammatory properties, which assist, widens the narrowed airways for effective flow of air through the bronchi. Use of cannabis essential oil to treat asthma helps reduce all symptoms associated to cannabis essential oil.

5. Relieve pains

Cannabis essential oil can also play a crucial role in relieving pains. Cannabis essential oil exhibit analgestic properties. It is commonly believed that analgesic is used to treat pains. However, many Asia countries have use it in treatment of pains.

6. Anti inflammation

Cannabis essential oil can help prevent inflammation which is characterized with different sign and symptoms such as pains, swollen joint and stiffness. Regular use can help relieves these symptoms.

7. Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Build ups on the inner walls of the arteries are amongst causes of heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. It is very supportive at slowing the development of cardiovascular disease, due to it antioxidant properties, which helps reduce formation of build ups. You have a lot to get even as you use cannabis essential oil minimally.

Despite the fact, that cannabis essential oil provide numerous health benefits, it must be consumed moderately, and under supervision of health care professional.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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