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How to get Free Food & Drugs In Ethiopian

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If you have ever experience hunger in your entire life, you will appreciate that very meals on your table.

Lack of feeding properly can be depressing and daunting especially when you don’t have hope of getting one plate of meal per day.

Equally, you need drugs when you are hit by disease. To buy drugs, money is significant.

There is no doubt in many rural and urban areas of Ethiopian, the vulnerable groups are at high risk of not being able to get drugs and food for themselves.

Food and drugs are very essential for human, as no one can survive without food and drugs.

To carry out daily activities food is required; it gives strength to our body when adequately consumed.

Several studies conducted demonstrated that inadequate feeding and health care linked to numerous health problems such as kwashiorkor, marasmus among others.

Surprisingly, government, non-governmental organisations, and individuals in Ethiopian are making food and drugs donations as top priority in order to take care of vulnerable groups as well as the poor in rural and urban areas of Ethiopian.

If you are looking for where to get free food and drugs to feed, treat your family, we got you possible places where you can access free food and

 How to get free food and drugs in Ethiopian

1. Restaurant in Ethiopian

Most restaurant would want you work for them to receive foods whereas some will offer you food particularly when you ask for free food.

However, there lots of restaurants out there that might be of greater help to you.

They Include motherland, brick house, loaves, mahi’s cafe, waffles and shakes, cha cha corner, kitfo and kurt, lime tree Bole, and Emama fishka.

2. Pharmacy

Writing to the management of various pharmaceutical companies in Ethiopian could assist you in getting free drugs.

This include; Badreg, east African ,steely R.m.i,  Amba , Valdes, mame steel mill, Beker, orchid

3. Government

In order to mitigate hunger and death, government of Ethiopian, periodically provides foods and medication to her citizen. To get free meals on time, you may need to write to the government for food support.

4. Non governmental organisations

Different organisation in Ethiopian are designed to support the poor, those that cannot afford hospital bills and feeding.

They contributes by donating food, medication so as to reduce hunger and possibly outbreak of diseases.

Such organisations include; Organization for Child Development and Transformation (CHADET), Organisation for Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA), Organisation for Social Services, Health and Development (OSSHD), global giving, amongst others.

5. World health organization(WHO)

At several occasions, you may see WHO in your communities to administer preventive drugs and create awareness on possible out breaks of new disease. They give free medication to the general public. Focus on primary health care to improve access to quality essential services.

6.United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef)

Unicef is world’s largest provider of vaccines; they give adequate health care for children and women worldwide.

Therefore you can request for free medication in your country, if your area is yet to receive preventive drugs.

7. Individuals

People don’t only donate to charity organisations but provides drugs and food items to people and vulnerable groups in the villages and towns of Ethiopian.

You could obtain food and drugs at the donation centres near you also. Going to shops of food vendors can as well earn you free food. Additionally, you may apply for free food and drugs via their website.

Free food and drugs are important in our body; one cannot do without them.

Government and different organisations in Ethiopian play a critical role in providing free food and drugs, these help reduce dangerous effects of disease.

People apply for free food and drugs at the appropriate agencies in Ethiopian to obtain support.



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Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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