Nigeria leafy green vegetables that stops cancer; you obtain considerable amount of Natural chemicals that stop gene mutations.
What is Cancer
Cancer is an uncontrollable growth of the cell which eventually forms tumor and depletes nutritional status of the body.
Cancer is one of the main causes of death for those between the age of 45 and 65
Every healthy genes of the body work together to moderate cell division as well ensure that each new cell is a replica of the parent cell.
Cancer disorganize these process and cause mutations of the gene that control cell division. These mutations attack gene which normally check errors created by the replicating DNA.
Consequently, the cells begin to divide abnormally and accumulate to tumor which spread to other parts of the body (1) .
Some factors have been noted for development of cancer including exposure to radiation and sunlight, air pollution, smoking, excessive alcohol intake and many others.
Many Studies suggested that leafy green vegetables may protects against some cancerous growth [1].
Nigeria leafy green vegetables that stop cancer
1. Nchuawu or scent leaf
Whether you prefer adding Nchuawu leaves into your soups or goat meat pepper soup, it’s powerful in stopping cancerous growth.
Scent leaf is loaded with numerous nutrients and phytochemical such as, vitamin A, copper and natural compounds, flavanoid, alkaloids, terpineoids, saponin, cardiac glycoside, phenol, and steroids.
Studies have linked high intake of Nchuawu leaves to lower risk of cancer [2]
Importantly, flavanoid and terpenoid, help reduce appearance of cancerous growth as they act as antioxidant which fight against oxidative damage.
2. Ukazi leaf
It is mostly used in many traditional foods either as afang soups, ukazi soups or other local delicacy.
This delicious plant is made up of various nutrients and phytochemical including, iron, copper, vitamin C, dietary fiber, protein and alkaloids, anthocyanin, caroteneoid
In fact, regular consumption can reduce colon cancer as it is a rich source of dietary fiber.
3. Oha leaves
Oha leaves are predominantly used in many homes to make soups.
A cup of Oha leaf offers significant phytochemical that keep you away from cancerous cells.
It inhibits cancerous development by stopping formation of free radicals, a known factors of cancer in the body.
4. Bitter leaves
A 2014 review revealed that bitter leaves can dramatically prevent factors associated to cancer.
It participate in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties which are prominent at stopping gene mutations. Bitter leaves are used in making soup.
5. Utazi leaves
Utazi leaf has a pleasant aroma and it is used for preparing foods such as soups, planting porridge, Africa salad, ugba, nsala soup, yam porridge and among others.
However, high content of bioactive compounds in utazi leaves are attributed to elimination of tumor growth.
A randomized study with animal shows that utazi leaves can reduce risk of cancer, though there are no human studies yet to ascertain this claim.
6. Pumpkin leaves (ugu)
Ugu can also be beneficial in preventing free radicals which cause gene mutations. They’re excellent source of natural compounds and nutrients.
7. Water leaves
Waterleaf is a delicious plant for cooking various dishes. It is highly nutritious, and contributes to innumerable health benefits.
Waterleaf contains vitamin C, vitamin E, Beta-carotenoid, protein, dietary fiber, and omeg-3-fatty acids compounds like flavanoid, alkaloids, saponin and.
Vitamin C and vitamin E may function as antioxidant, that can biochemically decrease accumulation of dangerous molecules called free radicals.
Studies suggested that waterleaf may play a protective role against cancerous growth.
8. Uziza Leaves
People often cook meals with uziza Leaves because of the pungent flavor and aroma it carries.
Apart from scrapping out factors contributing to cancer, it helps improve our immune system.
Moreover, its packed with valuable phytochemical like alkaloids, glycosides, flavanoid, beta- caryophyllene, phenol, and dietary fiber, which can sufficiently stop growth of cancer.
Nigeria leafy green vegetables are loaded with numerous nutrients and phytochemical known for inhibiting cancerous growth in the body.
They Include ukazi leaves, oha, utazi, Pumpkin leaves among others.