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Cancer is an abnormal cell growth that may form tumor, spread to nearby tissues and ulter immune system.
According to world health organization (WHO), cancer is one of the leading causes of death across the globe, recording nearly 10 million deaths in 2020(1)
Normally, our body, the gene regulate cells division and facilitate new cells formation; this gives rise to growth, replacement of dead cells and repairing damaged ones.
Modern science has revealed that cancer is triggered as a result of mutations in the genes that control cells division.
These mutations disorganize the gene that primarily check the errors created by replicating DNA, leading to uncontrolled cells division.
Consequently, tumor is developed and spread to other parts of the body. Though some cancer do not invade to healthy tissues, called benign, while some easily spread to other parts of tissues – malignant.
Nevertheless, not all cancer can form a tumor, but rather assemble in the blood and tissues – leukemia (5) .
Lung cancer, prostrate cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer are types of cancer commonly seem in people with these life threatening diseases.
Symptoms of Cancer
Weight loss
Prolonged cough
Let’s check out Bad Food cancer Risk.
1. Processed Meat
Meat can be processed using various method such as salting, smoking, curing, even canning.
However, overconsumption of processed food can greatly raise risk of cancer. It is an established fact, that these methods used to prepare meat may triggers carcinogens which in turn lead to cancer.
Evidently, curing meat with nitrite can form carcinogen known as N- nitroso compounds (2) . Colorectal cancer and stomach cancer have been linked with processed meat.
2. Fried Foods
According to research, fried foods contains high percent of acrylamide, a carcinogen which can cause cancer. Another study conducted indicated that acrylamide has potent to damage DNA and facilitate death of cells in human body (3) .
3. Overcooked Foods
Regular consumption of overcooked food can dramatically increase the risk of cancer by negatively affecting the cells of the DNA. It is believed that cooking meat with high heat create carcinogenic and heterocylic amines. These compounds are known risk factors of cancer.
4. Salted Foods
Recent findings have shown that over consumption of salted foods may enhance cancer formation. Therefore, to keep cancerous growth at bay, avoid regular intake of salted foods.
5. Refined Carbohydrates
Eating a high concentration of starchy foods may speed up your risk of developing not just type 2 diabetes but as well as obesity. These metabolic disorder, promotes inflammation and oxidative stress which raise risk of cancer.
6. Excessive Alcohol Intake
High consumption of alcohol has been linked with cancer in human body. It makes your body produce a carcinogenic compound that cause cancer by altering the DNA of your cells.
7. Poor intake Of Vegetables
Vegetables are powerhouse of natural compounds which have potent to eliminate free radicals or toxic substance in the body. Free radicals are known for triggering abnormal growth of the cells that increase susceptibility of cancer.
8. Immunosuppression
Immune system defend us from harmful pathogen which weakens our organ, system and cells. Modern science has revealed that a weakened immune is prone to be attacked by dangerous diseases including cancer.
9. Ionizing Radiation
Another risk of cancer is exposing yourself to certain radiation like x-rays, radon, and gamma rays. They have capacity to destroy DNA and triggers cancer (4) .
10. Food Additives
Such as Olestra, Sodium nitrate, Butylate hydroxyanisole, and many others. To preserve food from spoilage, food industries add these chemicals; It is an established fact that they play a critical role in causing cancerous growth.
Hence, make sure you check food additives you’re loading into your stomach.
There’s no doubt that cancer is a life threatening diseases which present with numerous symptoms such as lump, weight loss, and bleeding.
Although, some risk factors have been associated with cancer development including, food additives, ionization radiation, processed meat, overcooked food, alcohol, to name but a few.