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Pepperfruit therapy in hypertension

Pepperfruit therapy in hypertension, you may be surprise if your dietitian tells you to incorporate pepper fruit in your daily snacks.

According to several researches pepperfruit can help regulate blood pressure (1) .

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) is a disorder in the circulation of blood round the entire body.

Hypertension is more common in aged people;  studies revealed high risk of blood pressure among obese, those addicted to alcohol, and those with history of hypertension.

Pepperfruit therapy in Hypertension

Pepper fruit(Dennettia tripetala) is actually a fruit that can be used as a spice for seasoning and flavoring soups, beverages, stew sauce, as well as herbal medicine.

Pepper fruit contains valuable nutrients such as copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and other natural compounds like flavanoid, alkaloids, terpenes saponin and tannins (2) .

Several researches conducted indicated that extracts from Dennettia tripetala fruit are anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti- mutagenic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties which are attributed to the phytochemical found in pepperfruit.

Cardiovascular problems;

This can be as a result of different factors, starting from poor diet, to life style that exacerbate stress.

Luckily, pepper fruit can address heart problems, and blood pressure from numerous sources, and exhibit great promise.

In terms of blood pressure, it has been observed that pepperfruit can effectively improve blood flow as well help it dilate and relax blood vessels.

However, presence of potassium, a mineral in pepperfruit is also known for regulating  blood pressure.

Additionally, contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles is controlled by potassium and magnesium found in pepper fruit

Natural compounds
Natural compounds such as flavanoid, alkaloids, terpenes saponin and tannins, even copper, zinc and vitamin C are associated with the elimination of build up in the arterial walls  of blood  vessels which impede normal full of blood.

Hypertension is a life threatening disease, if left unchecked Leads to heart failure.

Pepper fruit is a plant that contains natural compounds which may regulate blood pressure.

Pepperfruit therapy may be helpful at mild  state, and might not be effective in severe conditions, consult a dietitian or doctor for expert purposes.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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