Image source: istockphoto
Cumin is a popular spice produced from the cuminum cyminum plant.
It belongs to the family of parsley. It is characterized with a nutty, warm, earthy and spicy flavor.
It can be used when it is ground into curry powder or whole as staple in numerous meals.
Cumin is widely grown in Asian and beyond, where cumin use as culinary and medicinal practice.
While some such the ancient Egyptian use cumin for both preservative and flavouring purposes.
It is loaded with various vitamin and minerals include; thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin k, niacin calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, to mention a few.
Health Benefits include: Aid digestion, prevent anemia, weight loss, immune booster, skin care, relief Insomnia, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels etc
Nutritional Value
Water 8.06g
Energy 375kcal
Protein 17.8g
Fat 22.3g
Carbohydrates 44.2g
Fiber 10.5g
Thiamine 0.63mg
Riboflavin 0.327mg
Magnesium 366mg
Niacin 4.88mg
Folate 10 ųg
Potassium 1790mg
Calcium 931mg
Zinc 4.8mg
Science- Based Health Benefits Of Cumin
1. Aid digestion
It has been known for alleviating digestive problems and its symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome, is one of the common gastrointestinal problem, cumin has been found to be potent for curing irritable bowel. Generally, digestion start from mouth, cumin can initiate secretion of salivary gland which primarily promote digestion. Moreover, the natural compound found in it, thymo is said to be helpful for stimulating glands that secret important enzymes such as lipase, peptidase and amylase, even bile and acids to ensure proper digestion of food and absorptions.
2. May Prevent Anemia
Being a rich source of iron makes it possible for red blood cell formation; regulating hemoglobin level thus hence blood flow. Anemia brings about anxiety, fatigue and headache. Therefore, incorporating cumin into your daily routine offers you chance of increasing your blood volume.
3. Weight loss
Some research has demonstrated that cumin can promote weight loss since it increase metabolic rate. This is achieved by breaking down fat deposit and maintain an idea weight . It can taken as tea or use for cooking.
4. Immune Booster
Nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and iron work together to improve immune system. The iron found in cumin help top up the blood volume which in turn strengthen immune system. The vitamin C, antioxidant contribute for absorption of red blood cells and minimize free radicals, that weaken immune system.
5. Skin Care
It exhibits antifungal, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, these are potent for skin disorder. They help in minimizing oxidative stress, a major cause of skin infection. Bacteria and viral infection are removed by eating cumin since it possess antimicrobial properties. Vitamin E is also found in it, that also act as an antioxidant, meaning stopping wrinkles and spots.
6. May Prevent Cancer
Cumin applications may help detoxifier
toxic and harmful substance that can facilitate removal of cancerous cells. It is said to have anticarcinogenic enzymes which can minimize cancer growth.
7. Relief Insomnia
This makes it difficult for one to sleep, people suffering from it are advised to take cumin as tea. It is important to note that cumin possess a calming properties. So those facing insomnia should opt for cumin tea or use it as an ingredient in meal preparation since it may help relaxes nerves.
8. Lower Cholesterol levels
Use of cumin may also promote lowering hyperlipidemia, that cause high lipid on blood vessels. Studies have shown that cumin can reduce total cholesterol in the body.
9. May help Manage Diabetics
Recent studies have shown positive result in the use of cumin in the management of diabetics patients. It help improve insulin capacity and reduce insulin resistance in those with type 2 diabetics (2)