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Edom traditional food & Health Benefits

Edom is an ancient region located in Jordan. Good numbers of Edom citizens are farmers and have a diverse traditional cuisine.

Edom traditional food comprises of those meals prepared, eaten and their ingredients are obtained locally (1)

According to study Edom traditional food is loaded with essential nutrients which helps improve general well-being.

However, Edom traditional foods are extensively eaten within the region owing to their cultural heritage and health benefits.

This article will explore Edom traditional food & Health Benefits 

1. Grains 

Grains are common staple food in Edom community. Grains such as barley, wheat are cultivated and harvested in Edom. They are used to make bread and porridge as well as other grain – based products.

2. Meat 

Meat is one of their traditional food because animals are commonly raised there. Every household in Edom has either goat or sheep which is thought to attributed to their cultural heritage and tradition. Meat provides an important nutrients to the body such as iron, fat soluble vitamins, selenium, zinc, protein,

3. Diary product 

As mentioned earlier, animal rearing is among their major work. So, milk from goat and sheep serve as their cheese, yogurt, and other dairy-based foods. These are excellent source of fat soluble vitamins, protein, and calcium.

4. Vegetables

Vegetables are extensively grown in Jordan and this form her main sources food. For example, Carrots, Potato, tomato, Onions, Broccoli Mushroom, Lettuce, Capsicum. These are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

5. Fruits 

In Edom they consume more of fresh fruits such as figs, pomegranates, grapes, olives, dates that are cultivated in the region.

Fortunately, fruits are excellent source of vitamins, minerals, natural compounds and dietary fiber.

6. Honey and Nuts

Honey and nuts like almond is commonly available in Edom. They are produced in large quantities, forming their major food.

Edom traditional food & Health Benefits

Prevent constipation: Many Edom traditional food comprises of fruits, vegetables, spices, making them effective in prevention and treatment of constipation.

Help improve immune system: Edom food contains essential nutrients that are linked with improvement of immune system.

Rich source of antioxidant: antioxidant helps mitigate oxidative stress which can cause cellular damages in the body. It detoxify the body as well.

Help regulate blood pressure: Edom traditional food contains magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids. Science has revealed that adequate consumption of vegetables, and fruits may help optimize blood pressure.

Cholesterol levels: They are good sources of dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fatty foods which have been identified to enhance high density lipoprotein(good cholesterol)and reduce low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol.

Read more:

10 evidence- based health benefits of pomegranates

What are the 7 health benefits of olive oil

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Edom traditional foods are prepared with available ingredients in Edom. They are located in Jordan.

Edom traditional food & Health Benefits include: vegetables, fruits, honey, nuts and grains.

They contain various nutrients like vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, phytochemicals, carbohydrates, and protein.

However, they provide wide range of health benefits such as immune Boosting, cholesterol levels, rich source of antioxidant, prevention of constipation and blood pressure maintainence.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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