You are currently viewing South African food that treat ulcerative colitis
Crohn syndrome disease or crohns illness and healthy colon as a medical concept with a close up of a human intestine with inflammation symptoms causing obstruction as a 3D illustration.

South African food that treat ulcerative colitis

Image source: istockphoto

Ulceration colitis is an inflammation and wounds in your digestive tract. It damages the inner lining of the colon and rectum.

It can be very annoying and depressing, especially when small wounds develops on the colon’s lining, form pus and bleeding.

Ulceration colitis is commonly seem among young adult; as it comes with diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, fever, weakness, dehydration,  and anemia.

Ulcerative colitis is seem in individual who have family member diagnosed with the disease. Recent findings suggest that it occur more between the age 15 – 50 years and above .(1).

Nevertheless, the inflammatory bowel disease can be managed through food modifications, lifestyle changes, as well as medications.

This article will explore South African food that treat ulcerative colitis

1. Omega-3-rich foods

To minimise symptoms of ulcerative colitis, you may require to add omega-3- rich foods in meal plan.
Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for preventing inflammation, a major factor which affect ulcerative colitis.

Omeg-3-fatty acids are gotten from salmon , mackerel, walnuts, flaxseed to mention a few.

According to international organisation of inflammation bowel disease, high intake of Omega-3-rich foods can help reduce symptoms associated with ulcerative disease.

2. Diary product

Diary products are considered as food that have pass through fermentation process such as yogurt. They contribute greatly in keeping intestinal track healthy.

When you consume a cup of diary product, your immune system is strengthened because it improves your beneficial bacteria which help maintain and aid digestion.

However, the active probiotics in yogurt helps mitigate symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis.

3. May take Vegetables

Vegetables contain essential nutrients our body needs for different functions in the body.

To properly manage patients with this disease, vegetables should be prepare very well such that it will not aggravate symptoms linked to ulcerative colitis.

Example, asparagus, squash, cucumbers, may be cooked before consumption as fiber in them might trigger symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

4. Adequate intake of water

As long as human body is concern, adequate intake of fluid is very important in promoting many bodily functions.

Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis which predisposes a person to dehydration.

Dehydration occurs when you lost reasonable amounts of water. Nevertheless to remain hydrated drinking extra fluid.

5. Low fiber foods

As mentioned earlier, high fibre diet has been linked to factors that worsen symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

It is important you take those food without fiber or very low fiber content. The include bananas, cantaloupes, watermelon, white bread, white rice.

You can get your daily vitamins and minerals when you juices or cook vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, if you are suffering ulcerative colitis, add  fruits without fiber to facilitate healing process.

6. Refined grains

Since refined grains do not have dietary fiber, adding it might help suppress symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Refined grains include gluten-free bread, oatmeal, potatoe, white pasta as well as white bread.

Interestingly, these grains do not give much labour to the body in terms of digestion, they are easily digested.

7. White meat

Chicken and turkey may help in managing ulcerative colitis since you need protein for body building.

Food to Avoid

Alcoholic: any percent of alcohol you take has an effect on your body when you are treating ulcerative colitis. Hence,  avoidance of alcohol will help prevent symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

High fiber food: has been observed to trigger symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It is important you either cook your meals or blend them in order to reduce symptoms.

Roasted food: can as well aggravate symptoms of ulcerative colitis, if consum regularly.

Red meat: constant intake of red meat may indirectly worsen ulcerative colitis. Because it has saturated fat and other factors that can trigger immune overactive.

Coarse fruit: has high percent of fiber which can aggravate symptoms linked to ulcerative colitis.

Hot spice: Are pepper, chilli, among others can rapidly irritate the bowel.

Fried foods: excessive intake of fried foods can stimulate pain within the abdomen.

high salt food: limit intake of salt as it can worsen ulcerative colitis

Gluten: is obtained from protein rich foods and known as a risk factors of ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that cause a lot of damages in the colon.

It appears with symptoms like abdominal cramping, bleeding, diarrhoea, dehydration among others.

South African food that treat ulcerative colitis include; Omega-3-rich foods, diary product, low fiber diet, refined grains.

However, food to limit are high fibre diet, alcohol, hot spice and high salted foods.

If you’re diagnosed of ulcerative colitis, consult a dietitian for expert purposes.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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