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Gut Health is seem as appropriate amount of microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungal that live in the digestive tract of human body.
These organisms are known as gut microbiome or Gut flora (1) . They are found in trillions in the gut.
The gut microbiome play a pivotal role in maintaining bowel movement, digestion of food, impede harmful pathogens as well as boost immune system (2) .
Apart from assisting in digestion of food, certain bacteria in your intestine can be harmful to the body, especially when there are not balance.(3)..
Though maintaining right amount will not only aid digestion but promote overall well-being.
Here are, South African Food for gut Health
1. Whole grains
Grains are absolutely important when it comes to gut health. It is not limited to energy generation, whole grains contribute profoundly in the gut health. It houses fiber and beta- glucan, a non-digestable carb.
In the large intestine, they help promote growth of beneficial bacteria so as to optimize gut health and general well-being.
Research has linked adequate intake of fiber to effective functions of the digestive system rather than refined grains (4).
Therefore choose whole grains during lunch, dinner or breakfast enable beneficial bacteria your body to maintain and improve your digestive system.
2. Adequate intake of Vegetables
Eaten South Africa vegetables liberally will sufficiently enhance your gut health. They possess abundance of nutrients for a healthy microbiome.
Importantly, the presence of fiber in vegetables is used by the bacteria in your gut to improve its growth. Maintaining right balance of these bacteria help our bowel movement as well as immune system to perform appropriately.
You can get fiber by consuming certain foods like dark green vegetables, cauliflower, spinach, Kale among others.
3. Diary product
Eating food such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut
kefir, kombucha, tempe are thought to strengthen beneficial bacteria which help boost your digestive tract.
They are fermented food whose sugar contain have been broken down by yeast and bacteria.
In fermented products, you can easily get lactobacilli when you take a cup of them. It is a type of bacteria responsible for general well-being of the gut.
Scientists have observed that adequate intake of yogurt help increase presence of beneficial bacteria in your intestine and systematically reduce lactose intolerance. (5)..
Always opt for plain yogurt, as most yogurt contain large amounts of sugar.
4. Increase intake of Onions And garlic
Preparing meals with onions and garlic promote gut health due to polyphenol found in the them.
Polyphenol is a natural compound, antioxidant that provides many bodily functions including maintenance of Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestine, reducing inflammation (6) .
5. Take Fruits
Eat numerous South African fruits may offer you substantial amount of nutrients that can improve your gut. For example, Banana may help nourish beneficial bacteria in your intestine.
Fruits also contain polyphenol, a compound that will not only improve your digestive system but smartly reduce heart- related problems.
High fiber content in banana appears to inhibit bloating, a symptoms of indigestion. Science observed that banana offers a Prebiotic effect due to its resistance starch.
This helps increase and maintain beneficial bacteria which in ensure general well-being of the gut.
6. Soybeans
Regular consumption of soybeans will enable your body sufficiently regulate beneficial bacteria in your intestine.
Recent studies have proven that natural compound found in soybeans can effectively improve microbiota in your gut (7) .
Maintaining right balance of bacteria in the intestine helps in many bodily functions.
Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are found in the colon where they promote digestive system.
South African Food for gut Health include; diary product, vegetables, grains and fruits