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New HIV Treatment In South Africa

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that suppresses immune system as well predisposes one to numerous chronic diseases.

HIV is transmitted via unprotected sex, unscreened blood transfusion, breast milk, use of infected injection equipment among others  [1].

Accurate HIV test offers you confidence on your health status as it presents similar symptoms seen in other diseases.

Those diagnosed of HIV are linked and offers antiretroviral drugs, even though there no cure presently.

This will help keep the viral load to a level that it cannot enhance other diseases or transmitted to your partner.

Numerous studies conducted revealed that HIV kills CD4 cells which fight against bacteria and fungal infections in the body.

A weakened immune system is prone to tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer hypertension diarrhoea among others.

This attack on CD4 cells alter gene expression which may manifest as deficiency of some indispensable nutrients such as micronutrients, protein fat, and carbohydrates

Here are, New HIV Treatment In South Africa

1. High carbohydrates

As immune system fight daily with HIV virus to defend you against bacteria and fungal, energy is lost and required to replaced the lost one.

People living with HIV virus have high metabolic rate occasioned by symptoms of HIV virus like fever which contributes considerably in energy lost.

You need reasonable amounts of energy to remain fit while on antiretroviral drugs. Hence, opt for high carbohydrates food, to prevent wasting.

2. Moderate Medium chain triglyceride

Medium chain triglyceride is very essential in providing energy for HIV Patients as it appears in emulsified form that does not require carnitine to cross energy into the mitochondria – energy generation.

Source of Medium chain triglyceride includes coconut oil, palm kernel oil, milk, among others.

Hence, incorporate Medium chain triglyceride in your menu plan to maintain a healthy living.

3. High protein diet

Protein plays a pivotal role in rehabilitating HIV Patients. In people with HIV, deficiency of protein is commonly seen due to the destruction in gene expression.

However, high protein diet helps boost your immune system. Aside energy generation, synthesize of hormone, it drives metabolic reaction which assist in overall well-being of the body [2]

4. Vitamins

Vitamins is an organic compound our body needs for normal growth and nutrition. The body cannot synthesize it though they’re needed in small amounts.

vitamins C, E and B are greatly required for many bodily functions. Vitamin E serve as an antioxidant that supports our immune system in fight against pathogens.

Similarly vitamin C 
contributes also in boosting our immune system. Fruits like orange, Blueberries, Raspberry, mangoes, to name but are rich source of vitamins.

5. Minerals

HIV virus attack the cells of the body leading to deficiency of notable micronutrients such as selenium, copper, among others.

Selenium is an antioxidant which technically neutralizes oxidative stress that cause various diseases in the body.

Filling your bowel to the brim with selenium rich foods enables your body gain greater strength to eliminate oxidative stress.

Whether you’re diagnosed of HIV or not, selenium helps boost your defence mechanism.

Research has shown that oxidative stress are more common to people that are prone or vulnerable to HIV/AIDs

HIV is a virus that affects immune system, making it weak to fight against bacterial.

Untreated HIV progress to AID which carries opportunistic infections like tuberculosis, diarrhoea, tumor.

Going for laboratory tests are designed to check HIV status. If you’re diagnosed with HIV, adequate intake of antiretroviral drugs would be immediately offer to.

HIV Treatment In South Africa includes, carbohydrates, protein, fat and micronutrients


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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