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Gallbladder with stone. 3d illustration

Ghanaian Food Gallbladder patient Should Avoid

Ghanaian Food Gallbladder patient Should Avoid

In our body, Bile is produced by the liver, concentrate, stored and released to the duodenum by the gallbladder [1].

Similarly, for bile to be released from the gallbladder, it has to be stimulated by the nervous impulse and hormone cholecystikinin.

There’s no doubt, that bile plays a critical role in the digestive system.

It is a fluid- like substance which helps digest fat as well transport waste material from the liver into the small intestine.

However, disease of the gallbladder is gall stone which lead to obstruction of the biliary duct, that predisposes the patient to inflammation of the gallbladder.

Science has revealed that gallstone contains cholesterol, bile pigment, calcium salt as well as protein.

Evidently, healthy eating plan helps lower risk and reduces further complications of gall bladder problems.

Ghanaian Food Gallbladder patient should avoid

1. Fried Food

Gallbladder work with your body, particularly liver so as to promote emulsification of toxic substance and fat. A weakened gallbladder may not respond to the cells of the liver, thus leading to accumulation of cholesterol, calcium salt as well as obstruction of normal flow of digestive substance.

Similarly, regular consumption of fried foods can negatively affect your liver as the gallbladder cannot store and release bile to other parts of the body.

2. Palm kernel oil

There is abundance of saturated fatty acids in palm kernel oil. As stated earlier, a healthy gall bladder enhances emulsification of foods products which makes it easy for proper digestion.
Inadequate storage, release of digestive substance has been linked to gallbladder disease.

To maintain a healthy gallbladder, opt for those food with low fat content.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol Intake is a known risk factors for numerous diseases. Over consumption of alcohol is observed to have a dangerous effects on the gallbladder.

In the medical practice, dietitians may restrict you from consuming alcohol regularly in order to prevent adverse effect of gallbladder disease.

Another study conducted indicated that excessive alcohol intake in gallbladder disease decreases storage, production and the release of bile to the appropriate part of the body.

4. High saturated fat (red Meat)

Red meat has certain percent of saturated fat which can greatly increase your cholesterol levels. Other examples are butter, ice cream, palm oil, milk among others.

Studies have shown that consumption of oil with high amount of long chain triglyceride and saturated fat can significantly increase risk of high cholesterol levels among gallbladder stone patients.

Laboratory findings have shown that gallbladder stone contains cholesterol, calcium salt and waste products.

Hence, limiting intake of high fat diet helps in mitigating symptoms linked to gallbladder disease.

5. Calcium rich Foods

You can obtain calcium from numerous sources including, milk, Spinach, Kale, cheese among others.
They increase serum level of calcium which in turn precipitate to calcium stone in those with gallbladder disease.

Food to be taking Moderately

Low fat diet
Low fat diet has been reported to improve treatment of gallbladder disease due to its low fat and healthy nutrients found in them (1)

Fat soluble vitamin
Consuming food loaded with Vitamin A, D, E and vitamin k can be helpful in treating gallbladder problem. They Play a great role in many bodily functions. Some of these nutrients contribute in emulsification process.

Small Frequent Meal

In as much as you can’t live without food, you need small frequent meal for effective management of gallbladder disease. This helps to replace nutrients that are required for numerous bodily functions.

Medium-chain triglyceride

This is considered as the healthiest form of oil. They are easily digestible. People add coconut oil, olive oil, and Avocado oil into their meals to control cholesterol and symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.

Gallbladder disease makes production, storage and supply of bile to the duodenum difficulty because of the inability of the gallbladder to perform its primary functions.

Similarly, gallbladderstone is commonly removed through surgical processes.

Lifestyle changes, food modifications, and drugs have shown a promising effect in treating gallbladder disease.

Food to  avoid include fried foods, palm kernel oil, alcohol among others.

Talk to a dietitians when you have gallbladder disease for expert purposes.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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