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12 Amazing Sodium-free spice

Image source:istockphoto

Sodium is an important electrolyte seem in the extracellular fluid that plays a pivotal role in hypertension and muscle contraction in the body [1].

Prolonged Excessive intake of sodium rich foods have be observed as a major causes of high blood pressure.

In contrast, intake of low sodium, especially for those suffering from kidney, diabetes and hypertension is said to be helpful in controlling and treatment of these health disorder.

Moreover, dietitians often emphasize use of low sodium or sodium-free diet for those suffering, kidney problems, diabetes and hypertension, to treat and reduce complications.

Here are 12 sodium-free spices that will enhance overall well-being.

Cooking with them keeps your blood pressure maintained as some of them are excellent source of potassium, needed for full regulation of fluid balance.

1. Basil leaves

They are valuable in terms of meal preparation as they offer pungent aroma.

The leafy green vegetables have low sodium content.

Therefore, you can add them to your meal as they have very low sodium profile.

2. Bay leaves

Bay leaves are spice used in flavouring dishes. Whether you prefer grounded or fresh bay, it enhance taste of meals even when there’s no salt in the food.

Industries make use of bay leaf due to its fragrance and compounds contain in it.

3. Curry powder

This a delicious spice which add flavor to dishes. Curry contains numerous nutrients and bioactive compounds which considerably impacts in general well-being. Though, it has very low sodium content.

4. Garlic

Garlic is highly nutritious and serve as flavouring agent; it belongs to family of genus allium that has similar characteristics with onions. As a  sodium-free spices,  garlic plays a pivotal role in our body.

5. Ginger

It add a pleasant flavor to dishes, though there’s very low sodium in ginger.

However, ginger has gained massive adoption all over the world simply because its serve as an ingredients in cooking.

It also beneficial in medicines. Equally, ginger has similar characteristics with cardamom and turmeric.

6. Mint

If you have not cooked with Mint leaves, you’ll not recognise they pungent flavor and aroma.

Restaurants apply mint leaves to their salads, sauce to obtain a healthy tasty as well as essential nutrients.

It may serve as alternative leaves for those restricted from high sodium rich-food.

7. Oregano

This is a spice, people use it to add flavor to dishes as well as herb in treating numerous diseases. It has low sodium profile. Oregano is used to marinades. You can still add it to salads.

8. Pepper

Among the characteristics of pepper is the burning sensation and presence of natural compounds. It is a spice that gives an enjoyable tasty.

Generally, pepper is a sodium- free spice. As a major staple ingredients in many homes, it add flavor to dishes.

9. Rosemary

Regardless of it loving tasty in culinary dishes,
it is an excellent source of iron and B-6.

It is typically prepared as a whole dried herb or a dried powdered extract, while teas and liquid extracts are made from fresh or dried leaves.

10. Thyme

Thyme is commonly used in our homes to make a delicious meal because it possesses pleasant aroma and flavor.

If you have not cooked with thyme, it could be your most important ingredients if you opt for meal prepared with thyme leaves.

People use thyme leaves to flavor fish, soup, meat, eggs, and sauce.

11. Lemon juice

Lemons are fruit loaded with numerous nutrients, such as vitamin C, and flavonoid or antioxidant.

Lemon juice is one the sodium free-food, you can always add in foods plan.

12. Vinegar

Vinegar is an acidic liquid obtained via the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria.

It is used in preparing food not only for its flavor qualities but also for its properties.


Sodium-free spices are great good for those restricted from taking Sodium rich-foods.

Your doctor may recommend you taking low sodium diet if you have problems such as hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease.



Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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