Food Additives are substance that’s deliberately added to food to improve their safety, taste, freshness, texture or appearance (1) .
Despite the amount added to food, and its preservative quality, does not make it harmless in human body.
Although, it may not cause immediate negative effect but over time can trigger innumerable diseases to the body.
It is worth noting that accumulation of this substance in our body pose great danger and contributes to numerous diseases such as cancer, heart problem, nervous disorder etc.
However, no matter what you use this synthetic substance for, be it meats, fruits, potatoes, everything is packed with dangerous matters that cause profound havoc to the body.
In the industries, food additives are commonly applied into foods to make them more appealing to customers, and keep away microorganisms, at same time filling your stomach with toxic chemicals.
This article will explore, 10 Harmful effect Food Additives
1. Sodium nitrate
When you’re shopping at the grocery, always look at the labeling, if the product are preserved with sodium nitrate, opt for another product with out it.
Sodium nitrate is totally toxic and stimulate synthesis of nitrosamines, a cancer-causing substance.
It is commonly seen on the labeling of processed meats.
It is used to prevent growth of microorganism as well as reducing fast decaying meats product. Regardless of it uses, it is highly toxic.
2. Trans fat
Several studies have suggested that trans fats are among factors responsible for heart disease, and obesity in the population.
Currently, they are used in many food processing industries to make biscuits, popcorn, chips among others.
Trans fat increases your cholesterol levels and drastically reduce the amount of high density lipoprotein – a good cholesterol which moderate your cholesterol levels.
Equally, regular consumption of this deadly oil, predisposes you to cardiovascular problems.
3. Olestra
It is extensively used in potato chips. One of the dangerous things it do is that it bind to fat-soluble vitamins (A, DÂ , E , and K ) in your body.
These vitamins fight against cancerous growth; so by binding on them exposes you to cancer.
4. Butylate hydroxyanisole
To protect oil and food materials from going rancid, food industries add butylated hydroxyanisole.
It is an established fact that it plays a critical role in causing cancerous growth.
Hence, make sure you check food additives you’re loading in your stomach.
5. Monosodium Glutamate
Virtually every product you see in the market are preserved with monosodium Glutamate.
It is used to flavor salad and other food products. Ignoring it toxic effects may extremely rise your chance of experiencing life-threatening disease.
6. Aspartame
Aspartame is another dangerous food additives, you must avoid. It is capable of causing Parkinson disease and leukemia. Aspartame is a sweetener.
7. Potassium bromate
You can find potassium bromats in bread-making factory. It is carcinogenic mostly when consumed regularly.
8. Food coloring
Companies apply artificial color on food to make it more appealing and fresh. It’s important you know what food, drink you consume, possibly go on purely natural food. Food coloring is very dangerous, it may cause cancer and other diseases.
9. Propyl Gallate
You may not have the immediate effect of filling your bowel with food additives but over time, it will surface.
Propyl Gallate serve as preservative in meats product, potato sticks, chewing gum and vegetable oil.
It is thought that regular consumption of food preserved with propyl Gallate leads to cancer.
10. Acesulfume – K
Serve as sweetener used in backed food and soft drink. It is a bit sweeter than natural sugar. It is carcinogenic, and harmful to diabetic patients.
Food Additives are add into foods to increase the shelf life, drives away microorganisms, and to make it more appealing to customers.
It is of different chemicals including, Acesulfume, propyl Gallate, food color. Excessive or frequent consumption of food additives contributes to numerous diseases.