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Selenium is a powerful nutrients needed in small amount for many bodily processes, such as inhibition of free radicals, metabolism and thyroid function.
This essential trace mineral, is primarily source from foods or supplement made with selenium. It often found with protein to maintain proper functions of the body.
Selenium participate in synthesis of DNA, cognitive function, promote immunity, as well as reproductive system. Selenium is resided in the tissues and human skeletal muscle.
Selenium deficiency is usually appear, if there is very low consumption of selenium rich- foods. For example, may predisposes one to heart disease and cancer (1) .
Although, toxicity of selenium is not common but overdose of synthetic selenium could have a daunting health problem, this include skin lesions, rashes, nausea, teeth decay, hair loss, nervous system disorder, and fatigue.
Health benefits include, it is a source Of Antioxidant, protect against cancer, protect against heart disease, Protect Mental Health, maintains thyroid function, boost immunity, combat asthmatic symptoms, reproductive system, skin care and for growth.
Source Of selenium
Whole wheat
Buck wheat
Bulgar wheat
Whole barley
Brown rice
Whole grains rye
Whole grains bread
Vegetables also have reasonable amount of selenium, but this is completely depends on the soil and water where it is grown.
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Selenium
1. Boost Immunity
Your immune system defend you against pathogenic growth, if only it is strong. Vitamins and minerals such selenium is very supportive at boosting your immune system. Being an antioxidant mineral earn it potential to lower oxidative stress in your body. This way, inflammation is minimized, and immune system is maintained, and strengthened! Based on research conducted, it is now clear that low blood levels of selenium reduce immune response, whereas normal blood levels of selenium promote immune response. Hence, those living with various disease like tuberculosis, and HIV may have their immune improved, when consumed selenium-rich diet or supplement.
2. Source Of Antioxidant
Selenium possess antioxidant properties, it enable our body to get rid of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress is hypothesized to cause chronic conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer, as well as premature aging even stroke. Hence, to keep yourself away from these dangerous oxidative stress, consider selenium-richdiet.
3. Protect Mental Health
Low blood levels of selenium have been linked with neurological problems like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, and multiple sclerosis. For instance, Alzheimer’s is characterized with memory loss, poor coordination, and thinking. Not surprisingly, oxidative stress is thought to accelerate both the onset and progression of neurological problems. Different studies indicated that most patients with Alzheimer’s disease have low blood selenium. So, consumption of selenium-rich diet is recommended as it helps increase your blood selenium levels.
4. Protect Against Cancer
Selenium obtained from foods may help lower risk of cancer. Consuming appropriate amount assist in protecting against DNA damage, oxidative stress and enhance bodily functions. By stopping excess free radicals from destroying healthy cells, certain cancer like prostate, colorectal , lung cancer is prevented.
Findings have suggested that selenium has potential to ward off cancerous cells, though more studies are required in this regard.
5. Protect Against Heart Disease
Diet rich in selenium has been used to protect heart disease. Deficiency of selenium is associated with heart disorder. Yes, there are other things that can cause heart disease like virus, selenium appears to increase susceptibility of heart problems, but enough selenium-rich foods intake seem to prevent heart disease. Moreover, scientists believed that selenium increase levels of glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant. This keeps inflammation and oxidative stress out of the body. Accumulation of these leads to build up in the arteries causing atherosclerosis – main causes of heart disease.
6. May Combat Asthmatic Symptoms
Asthma appears when there is obstruction of air in and out of the lungs. Science hypothesized that this obstruction is as a result of oxidative stress and inflammation, which leads to symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Selenium is superb! As it has potent to eliminate oxidative stress and inflammation. Therefore, improving your blood selenium levels helps reduce symptoms associated to asthma.
7. Maintains Thyroid Function
Selenium is a trace mineral required for effective function of the thyroid gland. It does not only participate in synthesis of thyroid hormones but tactically impede oxidative stress in the cells. A healthy thyroid gland is known for improving metabolism, and growth. To elevate your blood selenium levels, add diet rich in selenium in your daily food plans. Consequently, deficiency of selenium has been reported to cause abnormalities like Hashimotos thyroiditis.
8. For Reproductive System
Studies have demonstrated that low blood levels of selenium are linked to infertility. While increase blood levels of selenium may boost sperm count in male. Also it antioxidant property is quite helpful in proper circulation of blood to the penis for erection. Additionally, regular intake of selenium- rich diet benefit both male and female – by expert.
9. For Skin Care
Selenium is a trace mineral that usually derived from protein-rich foods. This shows that a plethora intake of selenium foods, helps speed up synthesis of collagen which is needed for a healthy skin. Moreover, the presence of antioxidant in selenium is very advantageous as it ensure total elimination of factors responsible for skin disorder.
10. Maintains The Hair
Selenium-rich diet are very vital for hair growth, and maintenance. It is clear that inadequate intake of protein rich- foods and selenium are attributed to hair decoloration, and hair loss. However, consuming appropriate amount of selenium helps increase selenium blood levels thus improve hair growth.
Selenium is a trace mineral that is very crucial at warding off free radicals, and participate in synthesis of DNA. Incorporating whole grains, meat, and vegetables enable you obtain selenium. Moreover, lack of selenium may result to heart problem and many others. Consuming selenium-rich diet according to recommended daily allowance is better, so as to prevent toxicity.