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10 Health Benefits Of Copper

A lot of  things happes  in  your body when you consume copper-rich diet regularly. There is building up and breaking down  of  tissues to maintain overall well-being.

However,  copper is among trace mineral that play a pivotal role in the collagen synthesis, iron metabolism and energy generation. Even though it is required in the body in small amount.

Besides, involving in metabolic reactions, protection of the cells against damage, immune system, maintaining nerve cells, and reduction of cardiovascular disease, it’s participate in numerous enzymatic reactions that aid prevention of cancer.

Moreover, in human body, copper could be Source in the kidney, liver, brain, to name but a few. To keep you healthy, and optimized bodily functions.

Maintaining normal plasma levels of copper ( 1) , assist at improving overall functions of the body. While impairments is associated with menkes, Wilson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Deficiency Of Copper

It is believed that deficiency of copper is as result of long time deprivation of copper rich diet. Which contributes to anemia and bone problem.

In other words, copper deficiency is vary rare, except where there is menkes disease. This lack of copper in the body raise risk of cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease.

Copper Toxicity

Eating more than recommended daily allowance could be toxic, and leads to nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, weakness, hearts failure and liver damage. Adult needs up to 900 microgram per day, while children requires 400 – 700 microgram daily.

Copper Health Benefits include
Iron absorption, immune building, Bone Health, May treat arthritis, aid digestion, Cardiovascular disease, Prevent anemia, Prevent cancer,

Food Source Of Copper

Cashew nut
Dark chocolate
Shiitake mushroom
Swiss chard

10 Health Benefits Of Copper

1. Immune Building

Copper- rich diet contributes greatly in the absorption of iron that support red blood cells production. Poor copper intake lead to neutrophenia , a deficiency of White blood cells. White blood cells defend our body against infectious disease. Consuming either diet or supplement helps raise your body defense mechanism. Plus, the presence of antioxidant, which impede oxidative damage, an enemy of immune system. Its also involves in numerous enzymatic reactions in order to keep you healthy.

2. Bone Maintenance

Copper is as important as other mineral in bone maintenance. Mineral like copper is believed to prevent osteoporosis if eating adequately. Apparently, severe copper deficiency is linked with lower bone mineral density, a condition that increase chance of having bone disorder.

3. May Treat Arthritis

Research conducted using animal have shown a promising effect, though many wears bracelet to combat arthritis. However, there is no human studies to confirm this.

4. Iron Absorption

In the small intestine, copper is very useful as it aid absorption of iron. Deficiency of iron absorption in the body has been associated to lack of copper intake. Proper absorption of iron raise blood volume in the body.

5. Aid Digestion

Copper is said to have an antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce indigestion. Possessing these properties enable our body fight off harmful bacteria, in the same time strengthen the good bacteria that maintains digestion.
Adequate amount of copper in your body help minimize problem related to stomach disorder.

6. Thyroid function

It is clear that a deficiency one of nutrients may impair absorption or interfere with another, but balance of vitamins and minerals increase bodily functions. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are seem when there is imbalance of nutrients. Copper is a mineral that can help correct this issues when appropriate amount is taking.

7. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Copper-rich diet may be helpful in prevention of heart related disease. Deficiency of copper has been associated to raise of blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. Researchers have observed low copper as a leading cause of CVD in animal, though research is underway to known if deficiency of copper will have same effect with human.

8. May Prevent Cancer

Copper is one of trace mineral that has antioxidant. This helps neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative damage. This process stop free radicals from destroying healthy cells, and deficiency of copper might increase risk of cancer.

9. Prevent Anemia

As state previously, copper aid absorption of iron. Deficiency of anemia is as a result of poor iron intake. Involving in absorption of iron which form red blood cells for synthesis of hemoglobin- the oxygen carrier.

10. Safeguard Cognitive Function

Copper participate in neuron improvement, growth and it is crucial for proper cognitive development. Adding copper-rich foods in your diet earns you effective cognition.


It is obvious that copper rich foods participate in many bodily functions. Its offers a remarkable health benefits in the body including; immune system, aid digestion,  prevention of cancer among others. Consuming the daily requirements for copper is advised.



Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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