Bergamot peel essential oil is scientifically know as Citrus bergamia, with great fragrance.
Originated from Bergamo in Italy, but presently, it is widely grown in many countries for medicinal purposes and found in the list of cosmetics ingredients such as Perfumery, soap to mention a few.
Bergamot peel essential oil, is obtained from bergamot orange. It has healing characteristics owing to the chemical components found in it, which include; Geraniol, Nerol, Geraniol Acetate, Myrecere, terpineol, linalool, linaly Acetate, limonene and alpha pinene (1) .
Bergamot peel essential oil health benefit include, combat digestive disorder, relieves anxiety, prevent hormonal problems, antimicrobial, and wound treatment, may help treat fever, improve skin health, cure chest congestion, maintain the hair, relieves depression.
9 Reason Why You should Use bergamot Essential Oil
1. Combat Digestive disorder
As for maintaining and combating digestive problem, bergamot essential oil is superb. It is commonly advice by the health practitioners to eat right and use dietary and natural remedy for prevention and treatment of digestive related problem. Bergamot essential oil is very amazing in combating digestive problems as it stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes aimed at improving digestion. This offers the body a relief from symptoms of indigestion.
2. Relieves anxiety
Bergamot essential oil may work as a relaxant on the mind. When bergamot essential is used, enhance relaxation of the nerves due to the production of dopamine and serotonin, which can effectively impact on neurotransmitters.
3. Prevent Hormonal Problem
The importance of hormone in human body is so great, that it must be checked and maintain at all time. It regulate virtually all parts of the body. Bergamot essential oil when taken can influence positively on the pituitary, the endocrine gland which play a crucial role in the release of insulin and sex hormone. It can also minimize menstruation problem, even moderate blood sugar level.
4. Antimicrobial & Wound Treatment
Bergamot essential oil can as well promote effective healing process and minimize microbial activities on the wound. Just few drops on the cut, bruises, wound, insects bite since it help eliminate bacteria, viruses, fungal infection. It also promote skin cells rejuvenation and remove scars.
5. May Help Treat Fever
Inhaling bergamot essential or the messages the body, will relief fever. It is believed that fever is cause by underlying infection. Bergamot essential oil contains antimicrobial properties, a microbial killer. Beside inhibiting growth of viral and bacteria infection, it provide a healthy state of health.
Bergamot essential oil has properties which can help treat skin disease including psoriasis, acne and eczema. Applying it topically can help ward off bacteria causing skin infections.
7. Cure chest congestion
Bergamot essential oil can also helps treat chest congestion. Inhaling bergamot essential oil has be reported to be effective in removal of build up on the nasal cavity.
8. Maintain the Hair
Bergamot essential oil may contribute increase production of hair follicles, which can aid moisturize the hair. It also reduce hair loss and scalp infection and foster hair growth, when applied especially with carrier oil hair.
9. Relieves Depression
Bergamot essential oil can make you feel good again, after been depressed. Topical application of bergamot essential oil may assist in stimulating hormone responsible for mood, thus reducing stress,depression. Bergamot essential oil possess properties proven to be excellent for combating all symptoms of depression. It helps enhance energy generation, thereby keeping fatigue and loss of appetite at bay.
Bergamot peel essential oil is form from bergamot orange, and loaded with natural compounds like terpineol, linalool etc.
However, it play an important role, as it participate in combating and prevention of cancer, heart disease, indigestion, and skin care.