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9 Health Benefits Of Cardamom Essential Oil

Image source : istockphoto

Cardamom essential oil is obtained from pod of cardamom,(Elettaria Cardamom) through steam distillation with a lot of health benefits.

The tiny pod is noted for it ability to spice up stews, soups and meat dishes. Despite it use as culinary, it excellent fragrance, and ability to eliminate bad breathe are reason behind it widely used, especially in Asian countries and other parts of the world.

Cardamom essential oil comprises of pinene, P-cymene, terpinen-4-oil, Myrecene, neryl acetate, heptenone, methy eugenol, linaly acetate, neroli, citronellol, sabinene, alpha-terpineol (1) .

Furthermore, this perennial herb and major staple in Asian cuisine, is highly regarded by the Middle Eastern Asian culture due it medicinal benefits.

Health benefits include; relieves cold  and flu, mouth freshener, improve circulation of blood, antimicrobial, good for digestion, may prevent dysfunction, improve metabolism, good for skin, diuretic maintenance.

9 Health Benefits Of Cardamom Essential Oil

1. Relieves cold and flu

Cardamom essential oil is a source of home remedy for cold and flu as a result of it potent in clearing up congested airways. Cold and flu are linked with congested nose, chest, mucus and phlegm on the important tissues and organs. Cardamom essential oil helps ease the airways congestion by acting as an expectorant thereby curing symptoms of cold and flu. It also helps clear congested nasal cavity and mucus so as to provide healthy life style. Mixing few drops on a boiled water and inhale will help relieves fever and cold.

2. It Serve As Mouth Freshener

Are you disturbed with the odor coming out of your mouth? Is people keeping a distance while talking to you? Just smile. Cardamom essential oil helps maintain oral health due to it natural compound which serve as mouth freshener. Many producers use it probably because of the aromatic fragrance; helps refresh, and removes bad breadth. It can be added to your toothpaste during mouth wash.

3. Improve Circulation Of Blood

Don’t forget it heat up and decongestion effect, that means it promote circulation of blood. Cardamom essential oil helps stimulate circulation of blood round the body, hence foster proper distribution of nutrients. Inhaling the aroma has been reported to promote spread of oxygen round the body.

4. Antimicrobial

The invasion of microbes may cause deterioration to the affected area even accelerate growth of microorganism in the body. Cardamom oil is very helpful for inhibiting growth of bacteria in any parts of the body. Thus prevent harmful effect of bacteria that cause various type of disease, as well as maintaining sound health.

5. Good For Digestion

Proper digestion of food after consumption is very essential for every humans. Most time, when food is not proper digested, a lot of symptoms surface which are unfavorable to the body. Cardamom oil is a best natural remedy for optimal digestion of food. It helps stimulate secretion of essential enzymes and hormones needed for digestion of food, absorption even ensure maintenance of overall health of the gut.

6. May Prevent Dysfunction

It has long ago been used to cure sexual dysfunction problem. Regular use of cardamom essential oil improve libidos and promote sex drive in both male and female.

7. Improve Metabolism

This helps in the breaking down of food and building up of the body. Cardamom essential oil assist to the enhancement of metabolism to stimulate release of important enzymes and hormones required in various system like circulatory system, excretory system, and digestive system.

8. Good for Skin

Application of cardamom essential oil on the skin is an excellent way of keeping skin clean from spot, eczema. Cardamom essential oil is believed to contain vitamin C, which speed up synthesis of collagen the contribute to skin maintenance. It also minimize and fight against free radicals that cause cellular damage and promote aging.

9. Diuretic Maintenance

When excretory products is withheld such as urine, probably because there is no sufficient stimulation to ease urination. Waste products, toxins tend to accumulate causing either kidney disease or urinary disease. It  helps facilitate removal of this toxins and waste products, via ensuring healthy urination by stimulating crucial hormones thus keeping the body clean.

It is worthy to state that cardamom essential oil offers innumerable health benefits when consumed. In fact, in most part of the world, cardamom is regarded as queen of all spice, this is because of it pungent flavor, and use in many Asian cuisine.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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