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10 Reason Why Should Eat Walnut Oil

Image source : istockphoto

Walnut oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acid, minerals, vitamin and polyphenols, capable of improving and treating numerous health challenges. It is derived from pressing whole walnut; and has a nutty shape.

Walnut health benefits include; good for the skin, inhibit inflammation, lower blood pressure, blood sugar levels, regulate cholesterol, prevent cancer,reduce erectile dysfunction, bone development, skin care, and hair

10 Reason Why You Should Eat Walnut Oil

1.Good For The Skin Care

When your skin seem to be inflamed, consumption of a tablespoon of walnut oil is recommended to be taken regularly. This is because walnut keeps the skin healthy and protected from further deterioration. Walnut oil is filled with essential fatty acids, omega-3- fatty acid and omega-6- fatty acid, that help form the structural components of your skin. Studied have shown that omega-3-fatty acid can facilitate skin growth, fight against skin disorder, and enhance wound healing. Also omega-6- fatty acid is well- known for its vital role on the outermost layer of your skin.

2. Inhibit Inflammation

Redness, joint pain, swollen joint stiffness, roughness are some symptoms and signs of inflammation. Walnut oil can contribute in this aspects as it is packed with a natural compound called polyphenols ,which has an Anti-inflammatory properties. This natural compound has the capacity to fight against cell damage caused by molecules called free radicals. Getting free radicals out of the body, foster effective functions of the immune system thus reducing inflammation.

3. Walnut oil lower Blood Pressure

Walnut oil may be considered very helpful for hypertensive patients. Hypertension is one of the risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Application of walnut oil help maintain blood pressure due to it alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and polyphenols content. Polyphenols is an antioxidant design to prevent oxidative stress and enhance normal flow of blood. Walnut oil has drew the attention of the nutritionist- dietitians probably because of it’s active role for lowering blood pressure. Several research have recommended walnut oil as a good dietary source of oil for controlling blood pressure.

4. Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar increases when food of high glycemic index is consumed. Scientifically, intake of food with very low glycemic index have shown a promising effect in maintaining blood sugar level. Walnut oil has low glycemic index helps for regulating blood sugar level. Studies suggested that eating walnut oil can help manage patients with type 2 diabetics.

5. Regulate Cholesterol levels

Walnut oil is one of the oil prescribed for patients with high cholesterol, owing to it properties. It is very effective for lowering high blood levels of triglycerides, and bad cholesterol (Low density lipoprotein) that are known for increasing risk of heart disease. However, omega-3-fatty acid and antioxidant compound in walnut help to remove build up on the wells of arteries thereby reducing risk of heart disease.

6. Walnut oil Prevent Cancer

Walnut oil also contribute in stopping abnormal cell growth, which is capable of causing cancer like prostrate, lung ,overian, colon, breast cancer and stomach cancer. Its ability to inhibit cancerous cells is associated to the presence of antioxidant called ellagitanins .

 7. Helps Reduce Dysfunction 

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual inter course. Walnut oil is a rich source of selenium and vitamin E, antioxidant both of these help improve fertility and enhance essential hormones required to prevent erectile dysfunction,as well as promote sexual prowess.

8. Bone Improvement

Combination of minerals such as calcium and copper are right steps to improve and combat osteoporosis says by the health professional. It is scientifically believed that walnut contains copper, manganese and calcium. Copper play a significant role in the maintenance of collagen even elastin, major structural constituents of the body. However, using walnut oil for cooking and other purposes promote bone development.

9. Good For Hair

Walnut oil promote removal of scalp infection and enhance hair growth due to the essential fatty acid found in walnut oil. Also vitamin E, antioxidant which help decrease oxidative stress that foster inflammation. It makes your hair healthier, when applied moderately.

10. Reduce Aging Process

Research has proven that regular use of walnut oil helps moisturise the skin and keep you young. As there are essential fatty acid and vitamin E present in walnut oil . It is widely believed that regular use of walnut oil aid prevention and treatment of age- related disease including wrinkles, fine lines, eczema to mention but a few.

Walnut oil is not just nutritious, it prevent and treat numerous disease. It contains important nutrients such as polyphenols, essential fatty acids, mineral and vitamins. It is form from walnut, and use for cooking.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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