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What Are The Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf

What Are The Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf

Bitter leaf is a green leaf vegetable used  for cooking and medicinal benefits. Bitter leaf is botanically known as vermonia Amygadalina.

Bitter leaf obtained it name from it bitter taste, and this did not limit it nutritional profile such as beta-carotenoid, mineral and vitamins.

This health-promoting leaf is actually a perennial plant, and grows mostly in the tropical regions of West Africa.

Despite the fact that bitter leaf is relatively unpopular in many part of the world, does not decrease it health benefits if consumed.

Bitter leaf is name based on the region where it is cultivated. Bitter leaf names include, onugbu, (Igbo), shakwa (Hausa), ewuro (Yoruba) to name but a few.

Bitter leaf is superb, and can be juice, chew upon raw and used in many culinary dishes.

It is considered a spice, a vegetable and herb in these countries where bitter leaves are grown[1].

Moreover, bitter leaf function as antibacterial, antifungal and Anti-inflammatory agent.

Bitter leaf health benefits include; helps combat fever, posses antiparasitic properties, may prevent cancer, improves breast milk information, help lower blood sugar level, weight loss, reduce constipation, may low blood pressure, promote detoxification, low cholesterol, and good for the eyes.

Primary components of bitter leaf
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin C
Vitamin E

What Are The Health Benefits Of Bitter leaf

1. Combat Fever

Bitter leaf is used as home remedy for treatment of fever in various parts of the world, especially in Africa. Fever can be fatal in both old and young, using bitter leafy has depicted a promising effect, since it possesses anti-pyretic properties. Whether you use bitter leafy as herb or as foods ingredients, provides you with nutrients and natural compounds like flavanoid that can suppress ailments.

2. Possess Anti-parasitic properties

Parasite could be living in a host for decade unnoticed and causing malnutrition. Incorporating bitter leafy can be alternative to inhibit parasitic growth at their larval stage. Its application serve as natural remedy for treatment of digestive parasite, once consumed.

3. May Prevent Cancer

Bitter leaf consumption may decrease development of cancerous cells owing to the numerous antioxidant found in it. Antioxidant helps ward off oxidative damage produced by free radicals. Research is underway to ascertain its efficacy in cancer prevention. Additionally, eating bitter leaf regularly is recommended for general well-being.

4. Improve Breast Milk Information

If you are experiencing difficult in lactating, bitter leaf can be helpful in this regard. Bitter leaf is thought to stimulate milk production, because of the galactagogue properties.

5. Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Taking enough of bitter leaf daily keeps your insulin activated. In- sufficient secretion of insulin and insulin resistance are fundamental causes of diabetes in many people. Some studies suggested that bitter leaf boost insulin secretion.

Though, bitter leaf is a rich source of fiber, this contribute greatly in absorption of sugar into the blood stream.

It may reduce uptake of sugar, and impact positively on the receptor cells of the liver, adipose tissues and muscles; so that your body can regulate glucose effectively.

6. Weight Loss

Consuming bitter leaf, especially when you chewed it lowers your appetite which is sufficient to reduce caloric intake over the course of the day.

Bitter leaf is thought to improve your metabolic rate, this helps speed up the caloric expenditure so that you burn more calories.

Moreover, controlling blood glucose levels, increasing fat usage, and some functions of metabolism.

7. Reduce Constipation

Bitter leaf is used as home remedy to combat constipation. People take juice made from the bitter leaf to ease irregular bowel movement.

Equally, bitter leaf is an excellent source of fiber, which is good at softening stool and forming bulk, making it ease to pass out of the body.

8. Help Lower Blood Pressure

Research has proven that bitter leaf contains abundance of potassium, and antioxidant.

Potassium is an electrolyte mineral which is vital at maintaining fluid balance in the blood and extracellular cells. Potassium also functions as vasodilator, helping enhance normal blood flow.

Similarly, accumulation of toxins in the blood vessels are removed by the help of antioxidant.

8. Promote Detoxification

Bitter leaf is very supportive when it comes to liver and kidney improvement. These organs are significant in the removal of waste products in the body.

Adequate consumption of bitter leaf is said to increase their performance. Meanwhile, bitter leaf is loaded with antioxidant, which is known for elimination of toxins and free radicals that may inhibit some functions of the cells in the body.

This chemical compound helps reduce obstruction on the arteries supplying blood to the various parts of the body.

9. Low cholesterol

High cholesterol is a major problem affecting many people worldwide. Switching to right diet is believed to decrease the development of high cholesterol.

Bitter leaf is considered as one of the healthiest leaf in this regard. The presence of fiber in it, play a great role at reducing high cholesterol in our body.

Applying bitter leaf in your daily meal enable you harness all these benefits.

10. Good For The eyes

Bitter leaf is one of the leaf vegetable loaded with natural compound like beta- caroteneoid. This compound is known for it potent at enhancing eye health and prevention of muscular degenerative disease, cataract and eye defeat.

Read more: 10 health benefits of  Ede (cocoyam)

Bitter leaves are healthy vegetables packed with nutrients and phytochemicals that are beneficial to human body.

It is used in preparing numerous meals, and serves as ingredients in herbal medicine .

However, it has a lot of health benefits such as, reduction of blood sugar level, detoxification, cancer, digestive problems, eye health, weight loss among others.

What Are The Health Benefits O f Bitter Leaf


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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