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What Are The Health Benefits Of Garlic


Garlic (Allium, sativum) is seems as one of the healthiest spice used  for preparing  a delicious food and as alternative medicine.

Importantly, garlic is found in many home today,  not because of it’s pleasant  aroma in foods, but due to  it vital role at  preventing and warding off  dangerous diseases in our body.

Garlic is highly nutritious and serve as flavouring agent; it belongs to family of genus allium which has similar characteristics with onions.

Garlic play a pivotal role in our body as it is  endowed with  natural  compounds, minerals vitamins, fiber  and covers a wide range of health benefits.

Health benefits include anti aging, boost liver performance, prevent cold, boost immune system, prevent ulcer, digestion, can prevent heart attack, lower high cholesterol

Garlic is a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients such as very low in calories, saturated fats and sodium. Vitamin, vitamin B3, folate, thiamine, B-6,vitamin C, A ,K and potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, iodine and sulphur.

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic

1. Boost Liver Performance

An active liver is one that functions optimally  ,which is the elimination  of toxins or dangerous  substance, ingested either through food or drugs. However, intake  right diet can enhance  proper function of the liver. Garlic is a health- promoting spice. It is  very effective at maintaining proper function of the liver. Several studies done   have shown that constant consumption of garlic may help the liver function effectively.

2.  Immune Booster 

Immune system  inhibit invasion of deadly disease in the body  , it protect the  body against  chronic  diseases and infection. It is clear  and obvious   that poor  immune  is often prone to various dangerous disease. This is the reason why nutritionists constantly advised consumption of  different varieties of spices, like garlic. Garlic have   natural compounds like anti oxidant, which help fight against  free radicals in the body . Frequent intake of garlic is superb, as it keeps you away from certain diseases. It is an immune booster. Increasing your immune strength, improve  your body defense mechanism by making it your daily food .

3. Prevent Ulcer

Ulcer is a very painful, it usually occur  at the abdomen, and it is  caused by bacteria called H. Pylori. This bacteria affect the mucosal lining by creating holes in the stomach. Garlic, especially the raw garlic has antibacterial. Antibacterial inhibits or kills this ulcer causing agent. It is believed that frequent consumption of garlic will help protect your gastrointestinal tract as well as reduce acid level of the body.

4. Help Prevent Cold

Garlic is packed with a lot of vitamins, minerals like vitamins C, antioxidants, which can prevent cold. Vitamin C may help increase immune system against common cold. It has been proven by researchers that garlic can reduce cold.

5. Anti-Aging

Garlic enhance cell growth and reduce aging. Because of the presence of cytokinin, (hormone) . It also contains antioxidant, which prevent damages caused by free radicals. However, eating a diet rich in antioxidant and vitamin C can protect the body and the skin from oxidative damage as well as the effect of aging. Vitamins C is known for its capacity to aid production of collagen.

6. Cancer Prevention

Garlics are loaded with a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, like vitamin C. Garlic can be very useful in decreasing growth of cancerous cells and also fight against tumor growth. Studies conducted have shown that consumption of garlic regularly decreases the effect of cancer such as breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, brain cancer etc.

7. Healthy Digestion

Garlic can also help maintain a healthy digestive system. It ensures optimal absorption of nutrients and regular excretion of harmful substance making it necessary for the body to stay healthy. It also prevent or heal and keep nutrients which are nutrients that are being absorbed.

8. Reduce Heat Attack

Garlic help prevent disease such as atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis and hypertension. These reduces normal circulation of blood. Garlic contains natural compounds which can assist to maintain proper flow of blood as well as build up on arteries.

9. Help Maintain Cholesterol Levels

It can also help maintain low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and increase high density lipoprotein. Fiber in garlic is said to low high cholesterol as it reduce full absorption of cholesterol into the blood stream.



Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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