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11 Amazing Health Benefits of Black velvet tamarind (Icheku)

Image source: Pixabay

Black velvet tamarind (Icheku ) is a fruit grown mostly in tropical regions of west Africa.

Black velvet tamarind is a very nutritious fruit and participate in body maintenance.

The health -promoting fruit is scientifically called Dialuim Guineense.

It has different names based on geographical location, for instance in igbo it’s called “icheku”, Yoruba ”Awin”, and Hausa “Tsamiyar Kurn”.

Black velvet tamarind contains a lot of nutrients like magnesium, copper, iron, vitamin C, and B vitamins, Vitamin A.

Icheku is highly regarded in Eastern part of Nigeria as one of nutritious snacks. It can be juiced and mix with spice like turmeric for medicinal purposes.

 11 Amazing Health benefits of black velvet tamarind (Icheku)

1. It prevents hypertension
An abnormal rise in blood pressures is one of the major causes of sudden death in the world. This could be prevented with adequate diet.

Black velvet tamarind is loaded with potassium. Potassium,which helps to enhance normal circulation of blood round entire body.

Regular intake of black velvet tamarind will not only aid flow of blood but also maintain the body fluid balance.

2. It Prevents poor sight

An impaired vision could mean you lack vitamin A,(deficiency). Eating right or adequately keeps you away from this disease.

Black velvet tamarinds are very good when it comes to eye maintanance. They’re loaded with vitamin A, which help in detoxifying harmful substance in the eye.

Consumption of black velvet tamarind keeps  the eye healthy.

3. It’s packed with Anti-oxidant

Anti oxidant act as body guard. It is very effective in inhibiting formation of free radicals in the body. When free radicals accumulate they trigger a lot of diseases such as cancer, malaria, and Fever. Black velvet tamarind is packed with anti oxidant.

4 . Correction of Immune System Imbalance

Black velvet tamarind has a lot of health benefits, especially boosting immune system. Immune system defend the body against disease.

Black velvet tamarind is loaded with vitamin C, Niacin, riboflavin and anti oxidant. These vitamins aids the production of blood.

However, enough intake of black velvet tamarind is very good in fighting against disease and removing free radicals.

5. Prevent Anemia

If you don’t have enough blood, walking, running and other Physical activities may be affected. That shows you are deficiency of red blood Cell or haemoglobin in the blood.

Black velvet tamarind contains iron and vitamin C. Iron helps in the formation of red blood cell. Absorption of blood is aided by vitamin C.

If you have you been avoiding black velvet tamarind? Make it one of your favorite fruit and stay healthy all time.

6. It Reduces Diabetes Symptoms

Black velvet tamarind is an excellent source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber plays a vital role in the body, as it helps to reduce high amount of sugar entering the blood stream. It can also intensify and boost insulin sensitivity.

Regular intake of black velvet tamarind can help prevent symptoms of diabetes.

7. Prevent scurvy

Wow, thanks to black velvet tamarind. Do you know that swollen,  bleeding gum and wounds could be treated only by having enough vitamin C in your body.

This fruit is loaded with vitamin C, which promotes and accelerates the process of wound healing. So get yourself black velvet tamarind and stay healthy.

8. Maintain digestion

As the body works together to maintain proper functions of the body, adequate feeding is required.

Fruit like black velvet tamarind is rich in fiber. Fiber helps keep the bowel healthy. It also bind toxins from the digested food and removes them out of the body via anus, as it keeps the digestive organ healthy.

9. Prevent Constipation

One of the health benefits of this fruit is; reduction of constipation. Dietary fiber in the black velvet tamarind helps to enhance normal passing out of stool. It also removes harmful substance in the bowel.

10. Prevent Menstrual Pain

Another important of black velvet tamarind is it strength in normalizing high estrogen of a person. Binding and controlling high estrogen is associated to dietary fiber contained in velvet tamarind. Consumption of black velvet tamarind will help to reduce menstrual pain.

11. Prevent skin infections 

Black velvet tamarind is very helpful in terms of skin care. It contains a reasonable amounts of vitamin C, and vitamin A (1)

These nutrients play a pivotal role in decreasing growth of fungal and bacteria. They help ward off factors leading to accumulation of free radicals – one of the causes of skin diseases.

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Black velvet tamarind is a  healthy fruit which provide the body with abundance of vitamins, minerals, and natural compounds.

Interestingly,  these nutrients are associated with it potent in nourishing the body.

However, 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Black velvet tamarind (Icheku) include, menstrual pain, constipation, digestion, scurvy among others.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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